ROOTS -Natural Heritage ಬೇರುಗಳು -ನೈಸರ್ಗಿಕ ಪರಂಪರೆ

One of the core objectives of SARA Centre is to initiate dialogue among the locals on our location on this planet. So, SARA has dedicated two spaces at the Centre, one to locate ourselves on the cultural heritage map and the other to identify ourselves with the Earth’s Natural Heritage.

The Roots—Natural Heritage and Man-made Heritage sections are opposite each other at the centre, and relevant information is provided through large interactive panels, seeds, and actual objects.

In the present changing times, it is crucial to know how the local cultural lineage evolved according to our geographic and ecological conditions. Art and craft traditions kept rural India self-sustained until very recently.

Local Ecology Module at SARA Centre -A public outreach program

The “Roots – Natural Heritage” section explores amazing facts about the natural world around us, such as stones, soil patterns, trees, insects, birds, rice varieties, and food grains. Our goal is to inspire people to explore the wonders of nature around us and appreciate its innumerable treasures. We have collected research information from various sources available in the public domain while creating the information panels. We have edited and designed the information panels in this space according to our requirements. We have mentioned the due credits for all the pieces of information sources and individuals wherever used.

ROOTS -Man-made Heritage ಬೇರುಗಳು -ಮಾನವ ನಿರ್ಮಿತ ಪರಂಪರೆ

The “Roots – Man Made Heritage” section offers insight into a wide range of artistic traditions recorded worldwide since the early civilisations of the Indus Valley, Egypt, till the dawn of the modern world and museums. The six book-like sections are briefly arranged as per 1. Sources of History, 2. Ancient Cultures, 3. Mediaeval Period, 4. Industrial Revolution 5. Camera & the world, 6. Museums of the world, 7. Contemporary artists – Indian and International. A complete view of this would require a curious student to spend at least an hour or two, enabling a broad exposure to human abilities and the spirit of life.

Art & Environment ಕಲೆ ಮತ್ತು ಪರಿಸರ

In this section, we have a few select artworks by Arunkumar H G and his viewpoints on the Anthropocene effects of our time’s agrarian and environmental systems.

Poster Gallery -2017

This page features contributions by the artist community worldwide to our 2017 Community Action Program, the Western Ghats Eco Walk, held in June 2017.

A note of thanks to contributors from the people at the SARA Centre:

We are truly grateful for the overwhelming response we have received so far. We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all the artists and friends who have generously taken the time out of their busy schedules to contribute to our humble beginnings. Your valuable contributions will go a long way in helping us work towards the greater good and strengthen our efforts to raise awareness and empower the vulnerable communities often impacted by ecological decay.

Please share this page’s URL with your friends and benefactors on social media.

For more information on the Ecowalk programme, click here: